Customer Tracking
Flexible Customer Search
Scroll through your list of customers with the flexibility to view information cards or a customer tabular listing.
Colored icons tell you when the customer last booked an appointment.
Quickly find a customer using name, phone, email, and address. Advanced Search allows you to search by numerous other criteria.
Customized Views
Want to see all your clients who have appointments this month or find the ones with outstanding balances?
Use our flexible customer search to build lists of clients displaying just the information you want based on criteria that fits your needs. Save your favorite views to easily retrieve the client lists you want
Need More Information about Your Customers?
Set up an unlimited number of custom fields to capture additional information such as allergies, employer, etc.
Fields can be for your internal use or you can require customers to enter information when booking an appointment.
Customer Profile
See all contact info and activity for a customer on one page including notes, customer forms, and purchases.